Семинар предназначен для руководителей компаний, сотрудников и менеджеров складских предприятий, логистических центров, отдела подготовки и хранения продукции, а также специалистов, которые заинтересованы в развитии профессиональных навыков в сфере складской логистики.
Training Program: Transport: Planning, Development and Management (13-26 February, 2018, Israel)
Transport is without doubt a vital leg on which modern society stands. When improperly planned, the side effects of transport systems are unduly harmful. Road accidents, air pollution, congestion and delays in the transference of goods and services can be minimised if available funds and efforts are invested in proper planning, development and management. More so than technology itself, well thought out solutions based on accurate knowledge and an understanding of what experience has taught us, is key. This is the focus of the programme.