В рамках проекта «Укрепление транспортных и логистических ассоциаций в Центральной Азии», реализуемого в рамках программы ЕС «Central Asia Invest IV», экспертами из Латвии был подготовлен «Анализ транспортного и логистического сектора ЕС и Латвии».
You may be as surprised as we were to learn of existing technological advancements that will dramatically change the experience of driving, are soon going to appear on roads across the globe. Smart highways and intelligent transport systems are expected to improve safety; the efficiency of traffic flow and environmental sustainability.
In order to study the current state and prospects of logistics development in Uzbekistan, the Association for the Development of Business Logistics conducted a survey among national and foreign companies operating in the territory of the republic in the first half of 2017.
Blueprint for continental cargo train to open markets in Eurasia.
Experts said rail links to the rest of the Eurasian landmass is a promising endeavor for China after the country's top economic planning agency announced a 5-year blueprint on Monday to develop the CHINA RAILWAY Express (CR express).