Terms of membership in «Association for development of business logistics», LLC (ADBL)
In order to attract a wide range of national and international companies to participate in the development of the logistics industry in Uzbekistan, the category of associate member are introduced to the structure of «Association for development of business logistics», LLC (ADBL).
Associate member of the ADBL can be any legal entity; both residents and non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as associations, corporations and banks are interested and willing to contribute to the development of the sphere of logistics services in Uzbekistan.
The main terms for joining to the ADBL are the following:
- The recognition of the goals and objectives of the ADBL;
- Assisting in the achievement of the goals and objectives adopted by the ADBL.
Membership in the ADBL:
ADBL members do not pay admission and membership fees. Every entity that made the decision to become an associate member of the ADBL has to sign the «Partnership and Cooperation Agreement» (please find here).
Membership of the ADBL may be terminated at the initiative of the legal entity or the ADBL by written notification.
ADBL members may on the contract basis to get the following services:
● receive assistance in solving of the issues within their competence from the ABDL and its regional branches;
● use the services of the ADBL and its regional branches;
● participate with the ADBL in projects of technical assistance and investment projects developed by the ADBL, and receive technical assistance which has been called by the ADBL from various sources in accordance with of the charter of the company;
● be consulted in the preparation of investment projects and technical assistance projects;
● receive assistance in various activities for the implementation of technical assistance projects, as well as the organization of scientific-research, sociological and other surveys and studies;
● place the information and advertisement banners on ADBL sites;
● receive advice and assistance in identifying and finding funding sources for the implementation of investment projects and technical assistance;
● participate in all projects to improve the skills, training and retraining of specialists organized by the ADBL.